

Alleviate Consulting Limited were invited not only to attend a recent “Person Centred Care” event but also asked to speak to the invited audience. The event was hosted by both MIAA and AQuA, of which Neil Black is a Lived Experience Affiliate for AQuA since his heart attack in 2012. We were able to share a platform with Jocelyn Cornwell who is Chief Executive of the Point of Care Foundation. Senior health professionals from across the North West attended the event at Haydock Park Racecourse on Friday 16th September 2016.

The event was organised to promote Person Centred Care and identify the challenges of the health services while providing possible solutions. The vast majority of day to day care is already given by families and friends but we must allow patients active involvement in the care they receive. We were asked to give our experiences of the health care system as a patient, but also from the various roles we have played since the heart attack. Our experiences in the construction sector also have great lessons that we can share with the health sector in the spirit of learning to support the NHS.

Our presentation covered many areas as we commenced the day with my own patient story about my heart attack on the 12/12/2012. We challenged the audience to identify good and poor Person Centred Care within my story as this was the day I “Died” but was then saved by the NHS. The comparison between a person having a heart attack and a business having its own heart attack was made as symptoms are identical. Is the NHS showing symptoms of having its own heart attack after 68 years and are we taking care of this national institution that we love so much?

Why, if HS2 can gain cross parliamentary support, can we not achieve the same for our NHS and stop this political football between governments? We challenged the Culture across the NHS, demonstrated how powerful a vision and values can be if they become part of how you do business. BS11000 was introduced to the audience, which was a new concept to all who attended – collaboration is huge in the health service arena. Perhaps the most powerful message was not just about patients, but looking after your own people’s health and wellbeing and working environment.

We have to look after peoples physical, social, emotional, spiritual and cultural issues to provide effective health care for patients, family, carers and your staff. Did you know that there are “More people alive today than have ever died” and from a more diverse background – that is the scale of the challenge. We were deliberately playing devil’s advocate to challenge the audience as we always challenge the status quo with very honest views of our experience.

Leadership is critical in making the right choices for the NHS. Do we have the right leaders in place with real leadership quality who people want to follow? The character of leaders is critical with real instinct, courage, knowledge and personality to inspire their people and achieve the impossible. If people are not following you as a leader then take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why? The answer will be staring at you in the face.

Another bombshell was that you should put your people and patients first, not finance with health & safety – a patient first attitude. This does not mean that finance and health & safety are not important – they are not the priority to succeed, but should be at the heart of what you do.

It is the clarity to remove too much process and measurement that is preventing you from being Person Centred with your care. You must find the courage to make these difficult choices to achieve the right balance and empower your people to drive the change that is needed. Here is what one of the delegates said:

“I found your talk very inspirational, not only in respect to the topic under discussion, but also in respect to what you have achieved. I am heartened to have met a person who has succeeded in the business world not in spite of but because of their integrity and values, and so I wanted to thank you for showing me that it is possible.”